DNS & Domains
Currently there are two primary DNS servers, ns.c3d2.de deployed from this directory with its zone config located in the dns repository and dns.serv.zentralwerk.org with its mostly auto generated config managed in the network repository. There are two secondary DNS servers: ns1.supersandro.de managed by Sandro and ns.spaceboyz.net managed by Astro. The managed zones are synced through catalog zones, so zone edits, additions or removals can be done without requiring any interaction from the secondary servers and any changes are usually propagated within a few seconds.
To get the DNSKEY and DS record ssh into the VM and run the following commands:
$ keymgr c3d2.de dnskey
$ keymgr c3d2.de ds
Note for INWX: Their website requires to add an IN
between the domain name and record type.
Please see this wiki page for a list of domains and their owner.